
Duration: 4 Hours
Driving Distance: 30 min
Highlights: Visit of the Natural Park of Butrint, Bird watching, Relaxing in the Park

Meet with the guide at the port of Saranda and transfer towards the National Park of Butrint.
Butrint natural park is of great importance for the conservation of global biodiversity as it supports 16 endangered species of flora and 14 globally endangered species of fauna.
Lake Butrinti is a brackish coastal lake in the southern part of Albania, with an outlet to the sea via a channel of about 4 km. The lake (1,630 ha) is used for extensive mussel-farming and hunting, and is surrounded by hills with orchards and scattered maquis. Water-fringe vegetation is poor, apart from an area (50 ha) on the north side that includes Phragmites, Scirpus and wet grasslands. The channel to the sea has Salicornia-covered islands and small coastal marshes. The nearby small lake of Bufi, included within the IBA, is fringed with reedbeds.

The Butrint wetlands area is composed by a tectonic lagoon of 1600 ha, known as Lake Butrint, connected to the straits of Corfu by the Vivari canal, surrounded by forested hills and mountains and complemented by saltwater and freshwater marshlands.
Bird observation through the naked eye.
There is also plenty of time to relax and enjoy the stunning scenery of the park. You can also combine it with a visit of the Archeological Park of Butrint.
Return transfer to the port of Saranda.

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